Store the honey,
save online

Busy bees collect nectar and bring it to the hive. You can do the same with our savings projects. They’re all the buzz!

Your life doesn’t match your wildest dreams? Try saving with Yuh app and jump on the gravy train!

Create a free account

Saving with Yuh? A no-brainer!

0.25% interest,
for your savings

Earning interest on your cash just got a tad cooler. You can earn 0.25% on any amount of cash in CHF, EUR and USD. It will pile up if you store your cash in the «Save» section in the app. Interest on CHF, EUR and USD is cumulative.

Set your goals

Design your savings targets according to your wishes. Set the amount you want to save at the frequency you decide on.

Stay on track

You can have a ball while saving. Regular notifications will show your progress so you can easily keep your eyes on the horizon.

Withdraw anytime

Got plans? Ready to roll? Withdraw your money anytime. For free.

Shift to autosaving

Set automatic recurring transfers for the projects dear to your heart.

Get high on interest

It goes without saying that we reward your saving efforts with interest.

Designed for success

Choose a picture for each project and get an overview via tiles or graphs.
Create a free account

No fees
hiding behind trees

Nor in the depths of the fine print. We are fully transparent about fees and avoid them whenever possible.

Discover our pricing

So pretty and pretty easy

Peekaboo! Take a look at the Yuh app. You’ll be surprised by all the money matters it can handle.

See how it works
Save up for your dreams
Illustration fast running
Next-level saving at Yuh
Wildlife Elefants 50%
Be friends with your bills
Yuh card
A multi-currency account
Yuh Person
Phone screen Total wealth
Hello Wall Street & beyond
Person dancing hands up
LEARN to change your game
Stock Line Graph
Future? We got your back
Phone Screen Yuh 3a
Swissqoins for the win
Illustration people dancing

Let’s get you started

Got your smartphone, valid ID and a utility bill at hand? WiFi’s working? Then you’re ready to go!


Get the app

Download the Yuh app from the App Store, Google Play Store or Huawei App Gallery.
Phone Screen QR Code

Create your account

Enter your personal details and verify your identity in the app.
yuh face recognition

Top up your balance

Make your first deposit (spoiler alert: if you first fund your account with 500 CHF, you will receive 250 Swissqoins).
Illustration Balance Yuh Coin Phone

Get the app

Get the app

Download the Yuh app from the App Store, Google Play Store or Huawei App Gallery.
Phone Screen QR Code

Create your account

Create your account

Enter your personal details and verify your identity in the app.
yuh face recognition

Top up your balance

Top up your balance

Make your first deposit (spoiler alert: if you first fund your account with 500 CHF, you will receive 250 Swissqoins).
Illustration Balance Yuh Coin Phone

Still raising an eyebrow in doubt? Ask us about anything that’s keeping you from sleeping at night!

How can I create a new saving project?

Ooooh, we’re so excited for you! Head to the Save tab of the Yuh app and click on New project. You can either use our prefilled template to get started quickly or create a new project from scratch to perfectly fit your life goal. You can now save regularly by moving money to your new project at your convenience, or you can choose Autosaving to automatically transfer a set amount daily, weekly or monthly.

How can I stop recurring transfers to a saving project?

Sometimes we need to slow things down for a while and re-route funds to other goals. If you’ve set up Autosaving for a project and want to suspend the recurring transfers, simply select your project in your Save tab, tap the Edit button and disable Autosaving. Transfers will be stopped until you decide to reactivate them.

What happens when I complete a saving project?

Congratulations on achieving your goal! If you activated the Autosaving feature for that project, it will be deactivated and recurring transfers will stop. You can choose to keep saving additional funds, or transfer your savings back to your main account to put your money to work.

How can I close a saving project?

Change of plans? To close a saving project, go to the Save tab in your app, and select the project. Tap the Edit button, and then the trashcan icon. You’ll be asked to confirm your choice. The project will then be deleted and any funds in the project will be transferred back to your main account.

Is it true? There’s interest on my savings?

We swear by the moon and the stars in the sky! The financial world is full of wonders, and interest is definitely one of them. You will receive 0.25% interest on your CHF, EUR and USD cash balances We have removed all caps, so there is absolutely no limit to the interest you can earn.

Remember that in order to benefit from these rates, your cash assets must be deposited in a savings pot in the «Save» section of your Yuh app.

Still got questions? Please go to our Help Center

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Illustration Illustration Illustration Illustration